Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Embed Existing Word File to Spreadsheet using Excel VBA

Insert Existing File (Word Document) to Spreadsheet using VBA

Sub Insert_File_To_sheet()

Dim oWS As Worksheet ' Worksheet Object

Dim oOLEWd As OLEObject ' OLE Word Object

Dim oWD As Document ' Word Document Object (Use Microsoft Word Reference)

Set oWS = ActiveSheet

' embed Word Document

Set oOLEWd = oWS.OLEObjects.Add(Filename:="C:\VBADUD\Chapter 1.doc")

oOLEWd.Name = "EmbeddedWordDoc"

oOLEWd.Width = 400

oOLEWd.Height = 400

oOLEWd.Top = 30

' Assign the OLE Object to Word Object

Set oWD = oOLEWd.Object


oWD.Paragraphs(oWD.Paragraphs.Count).Range.InsertAfter "This is a sample embedded word document"


End Sub

If you want to embed other document like PDF etc, you can do the same by

ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add Filename:= "C:\VBADUD\Sample_CH03.pdf", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= False

Display embedded document as Icon

If you want to display the embedded document as an Icon set DisplayAsIcon property to True

See also:

Manipulate ActiveX TextBoxes in a Word Document using VBA

Embed Word Document to Excel Sheet using Excel VBA

Linking Text Box to Excel Range using VBA

Creating a Command Button on Sheet using Excel VBA

Get the Height & Width of Shapes / Figures in Word Document (Word VBA)

1 comment:

  1. What's unfortunate about this is that it seems to only show the first page. It doesn't allow for resizing. Is there any excel VBA that can be used to go to the 2nd page?

    I don't want to completely re-create this word document in my spreadsheet!


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