Automatic Creation of User Form
Sub Insert_Form_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)
VBC.Name = "frmMyForm"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of User Form, Dynamic Creation of User Form, Automatic Creation of User Form, Dynamically Create New User Form using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Error loading feed.
Error loading feed.
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Error loading feed.
and how to delete it ?