Sub Saving_A_Copy_Of_Workbook()
'Saves a copy of the workbook to a file but doesn't modify the open workbook in memory
Dim bAchievedTarget As Boolean
If bAchievedTarget = True Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "c:\Completed\FinalCopy.xls"
End If
' This function can be used to take the copy of the file while working on it. The current file remains the same however
End Sub
See also :
Excel VBA - 1004 -- The file could not be accessed
Save and Reopen all Workbooks (Excel VBA)
Save copy of the workbook
SaveAs Dialog - Controlled Save
Save RTF document as word
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Print Multiple Sheets using VBA
'VBA to Select Multiple Sheets
Sub Print_Selected_Sheets()
' Remove Multiple Selections
' Select Multiple Sheets - Optional False is to extend the current selection to include any previously selected objects and the specified object
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Select False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Select False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(4).Select False
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1
' Remove Multiple Selections
End Sub
Sub Print_Selected_Sheets()
' Remove Multiple Selections
' Select Multiple Sheets - Optional False is to extend the current selection to include any previously selected objects and the specified object
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Select False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Select False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(4).Select False
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1
' Remove Multiple Selections
End Sub
VBA Dir Function to Get Sub Directories
Get Sub Directories using VBA Dir Function
The below function is used to get the immediate sub-directories for a given directory. If you want to dig deep into the directory structure then you need to iterate the sub-directories as well
Sub Get_All_SubDirectories()
Dim arSubDir() As String
Dim sSubDir As String
sSubDir = GetSubDir("d:\trash\")
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
If LenB(sSubDir) <> 0 Then
arSubDir = Split(sSubDir, ";")
For i1 = 0 To UBound(arSubDir)
Debug.Print arSubDir(i1)
Next i1
End If
End Sub
Function GetSubDir(ByVal sPath As String, Optional ByVal sPattern As Variant) As Variant
Dim sDir As String
Dim sDirLocationForText As String
On Error GoTo Err_Clk
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
If IsMissing(sPattern) Then
sDir = Dir$(sPath, vbDirectory)
sDir = Dir$(sPath & sPattern, vbDirectory)
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Do Until LenB(sDir) = 0
' -----------------------------------------------------
' This will be the location for the sub directory
' -----------------------------------------------------
If sDir <> "." And sDir <> ".." Then
sDirLocationForText = sDirLocationForText & ";" & sPath & sDir
End If
sDir = Dir$
If Left$(sDirLocationForText, 1) = ";" Then sDirLocationForText = Right(sDirLocationForText, Len(sDirLocationForText) - 1)
GetSubDir = sDirLocationForText
If Err <> 0 Then
Resume Next
End If
End Function
The below function is used to get the immediate sub-directories for a given directory. If you want to dig deep into the directory structure then you need to iterate the sub-directories as well
Sub Get_All_SubDirectories()
Dim arSubDir() As String
Dim sSubDir As String
sSubDir = GetSubDir("d:\trash\")
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
If LenB(sSubDir) <> 0 Then
arSubDir = Split(sSubDir, ";")
For i1 = 0 To UBound(arSubDir)
Debug.Print arSubDir(i1)
Next i1
End If
End Sub
Function GetSubDir(ByVal sPath As String, Optional ByVal sPattern As Variant) As Variant
Dim sDir As String
Dim sDirLocationForText As String
On Error GoTo Err_Clk
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
If IsMissing(sPattern) Then
sDir = Dir$(sPath, vbDirectory)
sDir = Dir$(sPath & sPattern, vbDirectory)
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Do Until LenB(sDir) = 0
' -----------------------------------------------------
' This will be the location for the sub directory
' -----------------------------------------------------
If sDir <> "." And sDir <> ".." Then
sDirLocationForText = sDirLocationForText & ";" & sPath & sDir
End If
sDir = Dir$
If Left$(sDirLocationForText, 1) = ";" Then sDirLocationForText = Right(sDirLocationForText, Len(sDirLocationForText) - 1)
GetSubDir = sDirLocationForText
If Err <> 0 Then
Resume Next
End If
End Function
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Insert Procedure to a Module Using VBComponents
Insert Procedure to a Module Using VBComponents
Sub Insert_PRocedure_To_BasModule()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
VBC.Name = "MyMacro"
Set VBMod = VBC.CodeModule
VBMod.InsertLines 3, "Sub NewProc()" & Chr(13) & _
" Msgbox ""Welcome to VB Component Programming"" " & Chr(13) & _
"End Sub"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Procedure Bas Module, Dynamic Creation of Function / Procedure in BAS/Class Module, Automatic Creation of Function / Procedure in BAS/Class Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Sub Insert_PRocedure_To_BasModule()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
VBC.Name = "MyMacro"
Set VBMod = VBC.CodeModule
VBMod.InsertLines 3, "Sub NewProc()" & Chr(13) & _
" Msgbox ""Welcome to VB Component Programming"" " & Chr(13) & _
"End Sub"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Procedure Bas Module, Dynamic Creation of Function / Procedure in BAS/Class Module, Automatic Creation of Function / Procedure in BAS/Class Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Delete Module on the Fly using VBA
VBA Delete Bas Module / Class Modules
Sub Delete_BasModule_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents("MyMacro")
' Delete the module
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove VBC
End Sub
Dynamic Deletion of Bas Module, Dynamic Deletion of Bas Module, Automatic Deletion of Bas Module, Delete Module using VBA, VBA Delete Module, VBA Detach Module to Workbook
Sub Delete_BasModule_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents("MyMacro")
' Delete the module
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove VBC
End Sub
Dynamic Deletion of Bas Module, Dynamic Deletion of Bas Module, Automatic Deletion of Bas Module, Delete Module using VBA, VBA Delete Module, VBA Detach Module to Workbook
Insert User Form on the Fly
Automatic Creation of User Form
Sub Insert_Form_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)
VBC.Name = "frmMyForm"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of User Form, Dynamic Creation of User Form, Automatic Creation of User Form, Dynamically Create New User Form using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Sub Insert_Form_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)
VBC.Name = "frmMyForm"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of User Form, Dynamic Creation of User Form, Automatic Creation of User Form, Dynamically Create New User Form using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Insert Class Module on the Fly
Dynamic Insertion of Class Module
Sub Insert_Class_Module_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_ClassModule)
VBC.Name = "clsMyClass"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Class Module, Dynamic Creation of Class Module, Automatic Creation of Class Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Sub Insert_Class_Module_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_ClassModule)
VBC.Name = "clsMyClass"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Class Module, Dynamic Creation of Class Module, Automatic Creation of Class Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Insert Module on the Fly
Dynamic Insertion of Bas Module using VBComponents
Many a times we need to create Workbook through program and add some code to the workbook. If the both workbook and code are standard and do not change, we could use some template. On the other hand, if your requirement has constantly changing workbook and a relatively unstable code you can't use templates.
You need to rely on the VBComponent programming to dynamically create the Module in the Workbook
Sub Insert_BasModule_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
VBC.Name = "MyMacro"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Bas Module, Dynamic Creation of Bas Module, Automatic Creation of Bas Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Many a times we need to create Workbook through program and add some code to the workbook. If the both workbook and code are standard and do not change, we could use some template. On the other hand, if your requirement has constantly changing workbook and a relatively unstable code you can't use templates.
You need to rely on the VBComponent programming to dynamically create the Module in the Workbook
Sub Insert_BasModule_To_WorkBook()
' This program will need reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Extensibility Library
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim VBMod As CodeModule
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set VBP = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
VBC.Name = "MyMacro"
End Sub
Dynamic Insertion of Bas Module, Dynamic Creation of Bas Module, Automatic Creation of Bas Module, Create New Module using VBA, VBA Create Module, VBA Attach Module to Workbook
Monday, May 14, 2007
Match Excel Column against a Standard Range
Replace Values of a Column when it Matches
If you want to match the names in column2 against the standard names in column 1 & replace by the standard names the following should help:
Sub Replace_TExt()
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("B:B").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
If Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i)) <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Replace What:=ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i), Replacement:=ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i).Value, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
False, ReplaceFormat:=False
End If
Next i
End Sub
If you want to match the names in column2 against the standard names in column 1 & replace by the standard names the following should help:
Sub Replace_TExt()
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Range("B:B").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
If Trim(ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i)) <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Replace What:=ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i), Replacement:=ActiveSheet.Range("B" & i).Value, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:= _
False, ReplaceFormat:=False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Dynamic Copy of Matching Excel Data
Copy specific data in cells from Master Sheet to Current Sheet
Most often we would have the entire data in Excel and would require data corresponding to the cell value taken from the master sheet and populated in the current one dynamically.
In the following example the master sheet is named as "DB" and contains all records with the primary key being the first column.
Function Snippet_For_Copy(sSearchString)
If Trim(sSearchString) = "" Then Exit Function
With Sheets("DB").Columns("A:A")
Set rFindCell = .Find(sSearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rFindCell Is Nothing Then
Sheets("DB").Rows(rFindCell.Row).EntireRow.Copy _
Destination:=Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row)
End If
End With
End Function
If the user enters a data in the first column of the current sheet, the above function will check the data in the DB sheet and transfer entire row if a match is found
You can trigger the function using Worksheet_SelectionChange event
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If IsNumeric(Target) = False Then Exit Sub
If Trim(Target) = "" Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
Snippet_For_Copy Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Most often we would have the entire data in Excel and would require data corresponding to the cell value taken from the master sheet and populated in the current one dynamically.
In the following example the master sheet is named as "DB" and contains all records with the primary key being the first column.
Function Snippet_For_Copy(sSearchString)
If Trim(sSearchString) = "" Then Exit Function
With Sheets("DB").Columns("A:A")
Set rFindCell = .Find(sSearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not rFindCell Is Nothing Then
Sheets("DB").Rows(rFindCell.Row).EntireRow.Copy _
Destination:=Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row)
End If
End With
End Function
If the user enters a data in the first column of the current sheet, the above function will check the data in the DB sheet and transfer entire row if a match is found
You can trigger the function using Worksheet_SelectionChange event
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If IsNumeric(Target) = False Then Exit Sub
If Trim(Target) = "" Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
Snippet_For_Copy Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Monday, May 07, 2007
Add ToolTipText in CommandBar Controls
Display ToolTipText in CommandBar Controls
Sub Show_ToolTipText_In_Controls()
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
' Delete Existing Command Bar
'Create New Command Bar
Set oCB = CommandBars.Add
oCB.Name = "MyProject"
oCB.AdaptiveMenu = True
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
oCtl.Caption = "Show Message Box"
oCtl.TooltipText = "This is a sample"
oCtl.OnAction = "Display_Msg_Box"
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Sub Display_Msg_Box()
MsgBox "You have clicked me!!!"
End Sub
Sub Show_ToolTipText_In_Controls()
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
' Delete Existing Command Bar
'Create New Command Bar
Set oCB = CommandBars.Add
oCB.Name = "MyProject"
oCB.AdaptiveMenu = True
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
oCtl.Caption = "Show Message Box"
oCtl.TooltipText = "This is a sample"
oCtl.OnAction = "Display_Msg_Box"
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Sub Display_Msg_Box()
MsgBox "You have clicked me!!!"
End Sub
Add Combo Box to the command Bar
Add Combo Box to the command Bar
Sub Show_Combo_CommandBar()
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarComboBox
On Error Resume Next
'Delete Control From CommandBar
CommandBars("Sample Command Bar").Delete
Set oCB = CommandBars.Add
oCB.Name = "Sample Command Bar"
oCB.AdaptiveMenu = True
'Add Control to CommandBar
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox)
oCtl.Caption = "ComboSamp"
'Link Macro to CommandBar,
oCtl.OnAction = "Change_Header_Background"
'Add list Item to Combo Box Control
oCtl.AddItem "NoColor"
oCtl.AddItem "Blue"
oCtl.AddItem "Yellow"
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Sub Change_Header_Background()
' Acts based on the value in the Combo Box
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarComboBox
On Error Resume Next
Set oCB = CommandBars("Sample Command Bar")
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls("ComboSamp")
If oCtl.ListIndex <> -1 Then
Select Case oCtl.ListIndex
Case 1
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Case 2
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Case 3
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Case Else
' Do nothing
End Select
End If
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Sub Show_Combo_CommandBar()
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarComboBox
On Error Resume Next
'Delete Control From CommandBar
CommandBars("Sample Command Bar").Delete
Set oCB = CommandBars.Add
oCB.Name = "Sample Command Bar"
oCB.AdaptiveMenu = True
'Add Control to CommandBar
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox)
oCtl.Caption = "ComboSamp"
'Link Macro to CommandBar,
oCtl.OnAction = "Change_Header_Background"
'Add list Item to Combo Box Control
oCtl.AddItem "NoColor"
oCtl.AddItem "Blue"
oCtl.AddItem "Yellow"
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Sub Change_Header_Background()
' Acts based on the value in the Combo Box
Dim oCB As CommandBar
Dim oCtl As CommandBarComboBox
On Error Resume Next
Set oCB = CommandBars("Sample Command Bar")
Set oCtl = oCB.Controls("ComboSamp")
If oCtl.ListIndex <> -1 Then
Select Case oCtl.ListIndex
Case 1
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Case 2
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Case 3
ActiveSheet.Rows(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Case Else
' Do nothing
End Select
End If
' Show the Command Bar
oCB.Visible = True
' Place the CommandBar at the bottom of the screen
oCB.Position = msoBarBottom
End Sub
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Visual Basic Get Screen Area
Windows API Get Screen Area
Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" _
(ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Const SM_CXSCREEN As Long = 0
Const SM_CYSCREEN As Long = 1
Here is the VBA function using GetSystemMetrics to get the screen area
Sub Get_Screen_Metrics()
' Windows API Function to Get Screen Area
lx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
ly = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
' Coded by Shasur for
MsgBox "The Screen Area is " & lx & " x " & ly & " pixels"
' Visual Basic Get Screen Area, Visual Basic Get Screen Height, Visual Basic Get Screen Width ,Windows API Get Screen Area, Windows API Get Screen Height, Windows API Get Screen Width
End Sub
Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" _
(ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Const SM_CXSCREEN As Long = 0
Const SM_CYSCREEN As Long = 1
Here is the VBA function using GetSystemMetrics to get the screen area
Sub Get_Screen_Metrics()
' Windows API Function to Get Screen Area
lx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)
ly = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
' Coded by Shasur for
MsgBox "The Screen Area is " & lx & " x " & ly & " pixels"
' Visual Basic Get Screen Area, Visual Basic Get Screen Height, Visual Basic Get Screen Width ,Windows API Get Screen Area, Windows API Get Screen Height, Windows API Get Screen Width
End Sub
Retrieve the file properties - VBA
Sub Get_WorkBook_Properties()
Dim oWB As Workbook
' Here is the program to retrieve the file properties.
Set oWB = ActiveWorkbook
' Coded by Shasur for
'Get the Title property
sTitle = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value
'Get the Subject property
sSubject = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value
'Get the Author property
sAuthor = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value
'Get the Keywords property
sKeywords = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value
'Get the Comments property
sComments = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value
'Get the Template property
sTemplate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Template").Value
'Get the Last author property
sLastauthor = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last author").Value
'Get the Revision number property
sRevisionnumber = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision number").Value
'Get the Application name property
sApplicationName = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application name").Value
'Get the Last print date property
sLastprintdate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last print date").Value
'Get the Creation date property
sCreationdate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Creation date").Value
'Get the Last save time property
sLastsavetime = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last save time").Value
'Get the Total editing time property
sTotaleditingtime = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Total editing time").Value
'Get the Number of pages property
sNumberofpages = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of pages").Value
'Get the Number of words property
sNumberofwords = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of words").Value
'Get the Number of characters property
sNumberofcharacters = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of characters").Value
'Get the Security property
sSecurity = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Security").Value
'Get the Category property
sCategory = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value
'Get the Format property
sFormat = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Format").Value
'Get the Manager property
sManager = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value
'Get the Company property
sCompany = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value
'Get the Number of bytes property
sNumberofbytes = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of bytes").Value
'Get the Number of lines property
sNumberoflines = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of lines").Value
'Get the Number of paragraphs property
sNumberofparagraphs = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of paragraphs").Value
'Get the Number of slides property
sNumberofslides = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of slides").Value
'Get the Number of notes property
sNumberofnotes = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of notes").Value
'Get the Number of hidden Slides property
sNumberofhiddenSlides = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of hidden Slides").Value
'Get the Number of multimedia clips property
sNumberofmultimediaclips = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of multimedia clips").Value
'Get the Hyperlink base property
sHyperlinkbase = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Hyperlink base").Value
'Get the Number of characters (with spaces) property
sNumberofcharacters = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of characters (with spaces)").Value
'keywords: VBA Update File Properties, Macro to Update File Properties
End Sub
Dim oWB As Workbook
' Here is the program to retrieve the file properties.
Set oWB = ActiveWorkbook
' Coded by Shasur for
'Get the Title property
sTitle = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Title").Value
'Get the Subject property
sSubject = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Subject").Value
'Get the Author property
sAuthor = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Author").Value
'Get the Keywords property
sKeywords = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Keywords").Value
'Get the Comments property
sComments = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Comments").Value
'Get the Template property
sTemplate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Template").Value
'Get the Last author property
sLastauthor = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last author").Value
'Get the Revision number property
sRevisionnumber = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Revision number").Value
'Get the Application name property
sApplicationName = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Application name").Value
'Get the Last print date property
sLastprintdate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last print date").Value
'Get the Creation date property
sCreationdate = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Creation date").Value
'Get the Last save time property
sLastsavetime = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last save time").Value
'Get the Total editing time property
sTotaleditingtime = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Total editing time").Value
'Get the Number of pages property
sNumberofpages = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of pages").Value
'Get the Number of words property
sNumberofwords = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of words").Value
'Get the Number of characters property
sNumberofcharacters = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of characters").Value
'Get the Security property
sSecurity = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Security").Value
'Get the Category property
sCategory = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Category").Value
'Get the Format property
sFormat = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Format").Value
'Get the Manager property
sManager = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Manager").Value
'Get the Company property
sCompany = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value
'Get the Number of bytes property
sNumberofbytes = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of bytes").Value
'Get the Number of lines property
sNumberoflines = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of lines").Value
'Get the Number of paragraphs property
sNumberofparagraphs = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of paragraphs").Value
'Get the Number of slides property
sNumberofslides = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of slides").Value
'Get the Number of notes property
sNumberofnotes = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of notes").Value
'Get the Number of hidden Slides property
sNumberofhiddenSlides = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of hidden Slides").Value
'Get the Number of multimedia clips property
sNumberofmultimediaclips = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of multimedia clips").Value
'Get the Hyperlink base property
sHyperlinkbase = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Hyperlink base").Value
'Get the Number of characters (with spaces) property
sNumberofcharacters = oWB.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Number of characters (with spaces)").Value
'keywords: VBA Update File Properties, Macro to Update File Properties
End Sub
Friday, May 04, 2007
Drag & DRop Files to Text Box
Show File Name in Text Box using Drag & Drop
Private Sub TextBox1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i1 As Integer '* Files Counter
On Error GoTo Err_Trap
If Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) = True Then
i1 = Data.Files.Count
If i1 = 1 Then
If InStr(1, LCase$(Data.Files(i1)), ".xls") Then
txtExcel.Text = Data.Files(i1)
End If
End If
End If
' ------------------------------------------
' Error Handling
' ------------------------------------------
If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Assert Err = 0
End If
End Sub
This will be used to show the file name in the Text Box if a file is dragged and dropped into it
Private Sub TextBox1_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim i1 As Integer '* Files Counter
On Error GoTo Err_Trap
If Data.GetFormat(vbCFFiles) = True Then
i1 = Data.Files.Count
If i1 = 1 Then
If InStr(1, LCase$(Data.Files(i1)), ".xls") Then
txtExcel.Text = Data.Files(i1)
End If
End If
End If
' ------------------------------------------
' Error Handling
' ------------------------------------------
If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Assert Err = 0
End If
End Sub
This will be used to show the file name in the Text Box if a file is dragged and dropped into it
Automaticaly Resize Text Boxes
Resizing Text Boxes
Sub Initialize_TextBox()
' To automatically resize the text box set the AutoSize to True. This will resize the text box as the user types text
TextBox1.AutoSize = True
' The sizing can be limited by providing the maximum length using MaxLength property
TextBox1.MaxLength = 20
' You can inform the user of resing with the Tooltip.
TextBox1.ControlTipText = "Maximum Length is 20"
End Sub
ControlTipText is the VBA variant for Visual Basic ToolTipText
Sub Initialize_TextBox()
' To automatically resize the text box set the AutoSize to True. This will resize the text box as the user types text
TextBox1.AutoSize = True
' The sizing can be limited by providing the maximum length using MaxLength property
TextBox1.MaxLength = 20
' You can inform the user of resing with the Tooltip.
TextBox1.ControlTipText = "Maximum Length is 20"
End Sub
ControlTipText is the VBA variant for Visual Basic ToolTipText
Primitive File Handling Functions
Copying Files/ Deleting Files / Moving Files
Sub Moving_Files()
Dim oFS As FileSystemObject
' Copying Files
FileCopy "c:\temp\IamAStar.xls", "c:\temp\backup\IamAStar.xls"
' Deleting Files
Kill "c:\temp\IamAStar.xls"
' Using File System Object - You need to Include Microsoft Scripting Runtime in you references
Set oFS = New FileSystemObject
' Moving Files
oFS.MoveFile "c:\temp\D8C7I12.xls", "c:\temp\backup\D8C7I12.xls"
End Sub
Sub Moving_Files()
Dim oFS As FileSystemObject
' Copying Files
FileCopy "c:\temp\IamAStar.xls", "c:\temp\backup\IamAStar.xls"
' Deleting Files
Kill "c:\temp\IamAStar.xls"
' Using File System Object - You need to Include Microsoft Scripting Runtime in you references
Set oFS = New FileSystemObject
' Moving Files
oFS.MoveFile "c:\temp\D8C7I12.xls", "c:\temp\backup\D8C7I12.xls"
End Sub
Check Workbook Attributes
Get File Attributes - GetAttr
Sub Check_Workbook_Attributes()
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Workbook
Set oXL = Excel.Application
oXL.DisplayAlerts = False
' Check if the Workbook is Read-Only. If it is then close the workbbok
Set oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open(Filename:="c:\MyBook.xls", ReadOnly:=False)
If oWB.ReadOnly = True Then
MsgBox "The Workbook is Read-Only!!", vbInformation
oWB.Close False
End If
oXL.DisplayAlerts = True
' Using the GetAttr Function, WE can check if the file is read-only
If (GetAttr("c:\MyBook.xls") And vbReadOnly) Then
MsgBox "The Workbook is Read-Only!!", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
The GetAttr function will work if the file has read-only attributes. If the file is locked and hence it is available as read only this will not be useful
Sub Check_Workbook_Attributes()
Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Workbook
Set oXL = Excel.Application
oXL.DisplayAlerts = False
' Check if the Workbook is Read-Only. If it is then close the workbbok
Set oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open(Filename:="c:\MyBook.xls", ReadOnly:=False)
If oWB.ReadOnly = True Then
MsgBox "The Workbook is Read-Only!!", vbInformation
oWB.Close False
End If
oXL.DisplayAlerts = True
' Using the GetAttr Function, WE can check if the file is read-only
If (GetAttr("c:\MyBook.xls") And vbReadOnly) Then
MsgBox "The Workbook is Read-Only!!", vbInformation
End If
End Sub
The GetAttr function will work if the file has read-only attributes. If the file is locked and hence it is available as read only this will not be useful
Validate Dates
Validate Date between Ranges
Sub Feed_Check_Date_Function()
' Date is within the Valid Range
Check_Date "2007-05-01", "2007-05-10", "2007-05-01"
' Date is NOT within the Valid Range
Check_Date "2007-05-01", "2007-05-10", "2007-05-21"
End Sub
Function Check_Date(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date, ByVal DateTobeChecked As Date)
If DateDiff("d", StartDate, DateTobeChecked) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Enter a correct date!!!"
End If

End Function
Sub Feed_Check_Date_Function()
' Date is within the Valid Range
Check_Date "2007-05-01", "2007-05-10", "2007-05-01"
' Date is NOT within the Valid Range
Check_Date "2007-05-01", "2007-05-10", "2007-05-21"
End Sub
Function Check_Date(ByVal StartDate As Date, ByVal EndDate As Date, ByVal DateTobeChecked As Date)
If DateDiff("d", StartDate, DateTobeChecked) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Enter a correct date!!!"
End If

End Function
Run Macro on Image Click
Tag Macro to an Image
Sub Run_Macro_On_ImageClick()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Use OnAction Property to set the macro that needs to be run when the image is clicked
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set shp = sht.Shapes(1)
shp.OnAction = "Macro1"
End Sub
Sub Run_Macro_On_ImageClick()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Use OnAction Property to set the macro that needs to be run when the image is clicked
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set shp = sht.Shapes(1)
shp.OnAction = "Macro1"
End Sub
Changing File Attributes
SetAttr Function - Modifying File Atrributes
Sub Changing_File_Attributes()
' Using the SetAttr Function, We can set the file as read-only or hidden etc
' Make the file Read-Only
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbReadOnly
' Make the file Hidden
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbHidden
' Please note that if you change one attribute, the existing attribute is overwritten. For making a file as both readonly and hidden use both attributes in the function
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbHidden + vbReadOnly
' Remove all atributes - convert a read-only file to read-write file, unhide the file etc
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbNormal
End Sub
Sub Changing_File_Attributes()
' Using the SetAttr Function, We can set the file as read-only or hidden etc
' Make the file Read-Only
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbReadOnly
' Make the file Hidden
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbHidden
' Please note that if you change one attribute, the existing attribute is overwritten. For making a file as both readonly and hidden use both attributes in the function
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbHidden + vbReadOnly
' Remove all atributes - convert a read-only file to read-write file, unhide the file etc
SetAttr "c:\temp\Sample.txt", vbNormal
End Sub
Choose the Right Value
VBA - Choose Function
Sub Easy_To_Choose()
Dim iGroupCode As Integer
Dim sGroupName As String
iGroupCode = 1
If iGroupCode = 1 Then
sGroupName = "Blue"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 2 Then
sGroupName = "Green"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 3 Then
sGroupName = "Yellow"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 3 Then
sGroupName = "Red"
End If
Select Case iGroupCode
Case 1
sGroupName = "Blue"
Case 2
sGroupName = "Green"
Case 3
sGroupName = "Yellow"
Case 3
sGroupName = "Red"
End Select
' Choose Function does the same as that of Select Case or the If constructs
' But the Choose function returns a Null if index is less than 1 or greater than the number of choices listed.
iGroupCode = 2
sGroupName = Choose(iGroupCode, "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Red")
End Sub
You can store the values in the array and can pass that to the choose function
Sub Easy_To_Choose()
Dim iGroupCode As Integer
Dim sGroupName As String
iGroupCode = 1
If iGroupCode = 1 Then
sGroupName = "Blue"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 2 Then
sGroupName = "Green"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 3 Then
sGroupName = "Yellow"
ElseIf iGroupCode = 3 Then
sGroupName = "Red"
End If
Select Case iGroupCode
Case 1
sGroupName = "Blue"
Case 2
sGroupName = "Green"
Case 3
sGroupName = "Yellow"
Case 3
sGroupName = "Red"
End Select
' Choose Function does the same as that of Select Case or the If constructs
' But the Choose function returns a Null if index is less than 1 or greater than the number of choices listed.
iGroupCode = 2
sGroupName = Choose(iGroupCode, "Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Red")
End Sub
You can store the values in the array and can pass that to the choose function
Flip Shapes
Rotate Images - Flip Images
Sub Flip_Shapes()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Flip the Image - Turn the Image Upside Down
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set shp = sht.Shapes(1)
shp.Flip msoFlipVertical
End Sub
Sub Flip_Shapes()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Flip the Image - Turn the Image Upside Down
Set sht = ActiveSheet
Set shp = sht.Shapes(1)
shp.Flip msoFlipVertical
End Sub
Environmental Variables using VBA
Get OS Name / Get Windows Directory
Sub Environ_Vars()
' Get Environmental Variables using VBA
' No of processors using VBA
' Get the Operating System using VBA
sOS = Environ("OS")
' Get the USER DOMAIN using VBA
' Get the Windows Directory using VBA
swindir = Environ("windir")
End Sub
Sub Environ_Vars()
' Get Environmental Variables using VBA
' No of processors using VBA
' Get the Operating System using VBA
sOS = Environ("OS")
' Get the USER DOMAIN using VBA
' Get the Windows Directory using VBA
swindir = Environ("windir")
End Sub
Format Images
Format Images - Change Size of Images
Sub Format_Image_In_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Reduce the Height and Width of the Image by Half
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
shp.Height = shp.Height / 2
shp.Width = shp.Width / 2
Next sht
End Sub
Sub Format_Image_In_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
' Reduce the Height and Width of the Image by Half
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
shp.Height = shp.Height / 2
shp.Width = shp.Width / 2
Next sht
End Sub
Compare Files by Date
Function to Find the Latest File
Sub Exec_Get_Latest_File()
File1 = "c:\temp\Sample.txt"
File2 = "c:\temp\Sample1.txt"
MsgBox "The LatestFile is " & Get_Latest_File(File1, File2)
End Sub
Function Get_Latest_File(ByVal sFile1 As String, ByVal sFile2 As String) As String
Dim DateFile1 As Date
Dim DateFile2 As Date
DateFile1 = FileDateTime(sFile1)
DateFile2 = FileDateTime(sFile2)
If DateDiff("s", DateFile1, DateFile2) = 0 Then
Get_Latest_File = "Both Files are Modified at the same time"
ElseIf DateDiff("s", DateFile1, DateFile2) <>
Get_Latest_File = sFile1
Get_Latest_File = sFile2
End If
End Function
Sub Exec_Get_Latest_File()
File1 = "c:\temp\Sample.txt"
File2 = "c:\temp\Sample1.txt"
MsgBox "The LatestFile is " & Get_Latest_File(File1, File2)
End Sub
Function Get_Latest_File(ByVal sFile1 As String, ByVal sFile2 As String) As String
Dim DateFile1 As Date
Dim DateFile2 As Date
DateFile1 = FileDateTime(sFile1)
DateFile2 = FileDateTime(sFile2)
If DateDiff("s", DateFile1, DateFile2) = 0 Then
Get_Latest_File = "Both Files are Modified at the same time"
ElseIf DateDiff("s", DateFile1, DateFile2) <>
Get_Latest_File = sFile1
Get_Latest_File = sFile2
End If
End Function
Find Image Range - Excel
Format Images - Range of Image
Sub Find_Image_Range_In_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
MsgBox "Shape Extends from ( " _
& shp.TopLeftCell.Row & "," & shp.TopLeftCell.Column & ") to (" _
& shp.BottomRightCell.Row & "," & shp.BottomRightCell.Column & ")"
Next sht
End Sub

Sub Find_Image_Range_In_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
MsgBox "Shape Extends from ( " _
& shp.TopLeftCell.Row & "," & shp.TopLeftCell.Column & ") to (" _
& shp.BottomRightCell.Row & "," & shp.BottomRightCell.Column & ")"
Next sht
End Sub

Get the File Size
File Size - VBA Function
Sub Get_File_Size()
File1 = "c:\temp\Sample.txt"
MsgBox "The Size of the File is " & FileLen(File1) & " bytes"
End Sub
Sub Get_File_Size()
File1 = "c:\temp\Sample.txt"
MsgBox "The Size of the File is " & FileLen(File1) & " bytes"
End Sub
Removing Pictures from Spreadsheet
Delete Images from Spreadsheets
Sub Delete_Images_From_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
Next sht
End Sub
Sub Delete_Images_From_Excel()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape
For Each sht In Sheets
For Each shp In sht.Shapes
Next sht
End Sub
Filtering Array Elements
Filtering Array Elements
Most often there will be a neccesity to filter content from the Array. Filter Function comes as a blessing:
Sub Get_Filtered_Array()
Dim arOriginal(0 To 4) As String
Dim arFiltered() As String
arOriginal(0) = "Bob Woolmer"
arOriginal(1) = "Dean Jones"
arOriginal(2) = "Bob Richards"
arOriginal(3) = "Ravi Shastri"
arOriginal(4) = "Greg Chappel"
' Filtered Array will contain strings that contains Bob in it
arFiltered = Filter(arOriginal, "Bob")
' Filter - Returns a zero-based array containing subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
End Sub
Most often there will be a neccesity to filter content from the Array. Filter Function comes as a blessing:
Sub Get_Filtered_Array()
Dim arOriginal(0 To 4) As String
Dim arFiltered() As String
arOriginal(0) = "Bob Woolmer"
arOriginal(1) = "Dean Jones"
arOriginal(2) = "Bob Richards"
arOriginal(3) = "Ravi Shastri"
arOriginal(4) = "Greg Chappel"
' Filtered Array will contain strings that contains Bob in it
arFiltered = Filter(arOriginal, "Bob")
' Filter - Returns a zero-based array containing subset of a string array based on a specified filter criteria.
End Sub
If no matches of Bob are found within arOriginal, Filter returns an empty array. An error occurs if arOriginal is Null or is not a one-dimensional array.
The array returned by the Filter function contains only enough elements to contain the number of matched items.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Visual Basic Command Line Arguments
Retrieve Command Line Arguments from a Microsoft Visual Basic or an executable program developed with Visual Basic from Command Line
Sub Command_Line_Call()
sCmdText = Trim$(Command$)
' You can give multiple parameters through command line with specific delimiters
arCmdData = Split(sCmdText, ",")
If arCmdData(0) = "PRG1" Then
Exec_PRG1 (arCmdData(1))
ElseIf arCmdData(0) = "PRG2" Then
Exec_PRG2 (arCmdData(1))
If arCmdData(0) = "PRG3" Then
Exec_PRG3 (arCmdData(1))
End If
End Sub
' Retrieve Command Line Arguments, Launch PRogram from command, Execute Visual Basic Program from Command Line
Sub Command_Line_Call()
sCmdText = Trim$(Command$)
' You can give multiple parameters through command line with specific delimiters
arCmdData = Split(sCmdText, ",")
If arCmdData(0) = "PRG1" Then
Exec_PRG1 (arCmdData(1))
ElseIf arCmdData(0) = "PRG2" Then
Exec_PRG2 (arCmdData(1))
If arCmdData(0) = "PRG3" Then
Exec_PRG3 (arCmdData(1))
End If
End Sub
' Retrieve Command Line Arguments, Launch PRogram from command, Execute Visual Basic Program from Command Line
Get Computer Name
Get Computer Name / Get User Name
Environ$ can be used to retrieve information from an operating system environment variable
Sub Get_Environmental_Variable()
Dim sHostName As String
Dim sUserName As String
' Get Host Name / Get Computer Name
sHostName = Environ$("computername")
' Get Current User Name
sUserName = Environ$("username")
End Sub
In Dot Net it can be achieved by
Environ$ can be used to retrieve information from an operating system environment variable
Sub Get_Environmental_Variable()
Dim sHostName As String
Dim sUserName As String
' Get Host Name / Get Computer Name
sHostName = Environ$("computername")
' Get Current User Name
sUserName = Environ$("username")
End Sub
In Dot Net it can be achieved by
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