
Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to simulate speech Echo in VBA

The following snippet simulates ( a sort of ) the Echo effect in VBA. This uses Microsoft Speech Object Library

Sub Voice_It_Out()

Dim oVoice As SpVoice                               ' Voice Object

' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Code for
' --------------------------------------------------------------

Set oVoice = New SpVoice

For iVol = 100 To 10 Step -10
    oVoice.Volume = iVol
    oVoice.Speak "Echo!"
Next iVol

End Sub

VBA : How to convert text file to speech (audio) using VBA

Text to Speech using Excel VBA : Audio/Speech from input file

If you want to spell out the content of text file using VBA you can do it as shown below:

Sub Speech_FromFile_Example()

Dim oVoice As SpVoice                               ' Voice Object
Dim oVoiceFile As SpFileStream                      ' File Stream Object
Dim sFile As String                                 ' File Name

Set oVoice = New SpVoice
Set oVoiceFile = New SpFileStream

' --------------------------------------------------------------
' Code for
' --------------------------------------------------------------

oVoice.Speak "This is an example for reading out a file"

sFile = "C:\ShasurData\ForBlogger\SpeechSample.txt"

oVoiceFile.Open sFile

oVoice.SpeakStream oVoiceFile

End Sub

The above code creates a filestream and reads the text file and the Voice object speaks it out!

The code requires Microsoft Speech Object Library (see figure below)

See also:

Voice Messages in VBA

How to get Author details from Track Changes using VBA

Word VBA - extract Revision Author information

If you want to know the details of track revisions, for example, Author name etc the following code will help you:

Sub Get_TrackRevision_Author()

Dim oRev As Revision
Dim oRange As Range

' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Change the line below to suit your needs
' -----------------------------------------------------------
Set oRange = Selection.Range

' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Coded by Shasur for
' -----------------------------------------------------------

For Each oRev In oRange.Revisions
    MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author
Next oRev

End Sub

The following code provides you more information (like if the comment is inserted / deleted)

If oRev.Type = wdRevisionDelete Then
        MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " deleted by " & oRev.Author
    ElseIf oRev.Type = wdRevisionInsert Then
        MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " added by " & oRev.Author
        MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author
    End If

If you want to know Date of Revision using VBA then the following can be added

MsgBox oRev.Range.Text & " " & oRev.Author & " " & oRev.Date

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Save Excel Range as Image using VBA

How to copy Excel Range as Image using VBA / How to export Excel Range as Image

The following code saves the Excel Range (A1:B2) as an image.

It uses the Export function of the Chart object (Refer :How to Save a Chart as Image using Excel VBA)
to save as Image

Sub Export_Range_Images()

' =========================================
' Code to save selected Excel Range as Image
' =========================================

Dim oRange As Range
Dim oCht As Chart
Dim oImg As Picture

Set oRange = Range("A1:B2")
Set oCht = Charts.Add

oRange.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture


oCht.Export FileName:="C:\temp\SavedRange.jpg", Filtername:="JPG"

End Sub