
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Create AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria using Excel VBA

Excel VBA Applying Multiple Criteria in AutoFilter

Here is a simple way of using multiple criteria in the Excel AutoFilter option

Sub AutoFilter_WithMultiple_Criteria()

Dim oWS As Worksheet

On Error GoTo Err_Filter

oWS = ActiveSheet

oWS.UsedRange.AutoFilter(Field:=2, Criteria1:="Apple", Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlOr, Criteria2:="Orange")


If Not oWS Is Nothing Then oWS = Nothing


If Err <> 0 Then



GoTo Finally

End If

End Sub

See also:

Create AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria using Excel VBA

AutoFilter using Excel VBA

Check for existence of Filter using Excel VBA

Excel Filter Show All using VBA

Retrieve / Get First Row of Excel AutoFilter using VBA


  1. That's only two criteria, not multiple

  2. What you mean multiple?
    this can be already seen recording macro. :(

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    i keep getting -
    compile error syntax error ?

    oWS.UsedRange.AutoFilter(Field:=1, Criteria1:="1", Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlOr, Criteria2:="Orange")

  4. Which version of Excel are you using? Can you please elaborate on the error it throws if possible?

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Hi can i get VB script for below example,it should select Active=testing into one another excel sheet,Active=integration into another excel sheet and remaining all ="active" except testing & Designing into another excel sheet

    1 shankar Active Testing
    2 Venkat Terminated Intrgration
    3 shilpa Active Designing
    4 Mohan Active Testing
    5 bindhu Active Designing
    6 Sunny Terminated testing

  6. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I am using similar coding but I have 1 filter on column 1 and need to apply 3 "or" filters to column 2. It can cope with the initial filter on column 1 and 2 "or" filters on column 2 but when I add a 3rd filter to column 2 it gives me the application or object defined error.

    AutoFilter(Field:=1, Criteria1:="1", Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlOr, Criteria2:="Orange",Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlOr,Criteria3:="Peach" )

    If I comment out the 3rd operator and criteria, it works fine. Is there a limit to the number of criteria you can filter? All of the examples I have found online only have 2 criteria

  7. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Excel autofilter function only allows 1 or 2 criteria. If you want more, you have to create a custom function to duplicate what autofilter does (compares criteria and then hides rows that don't match)

  8. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You can use an array as criteria1 with xlFilterValues as the operator.

    rngData.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=array("1","2","3"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

  9. Swaroop : Try this syntax

    ActiveSheet.UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Apple", Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlOr, Criteria2:="Orange"

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM

    rngData.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=array("1","2","3"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

    this is the best solution


  11. Except it doesn't work. It returns the last value from array in filtered data - "3".

  12. Correct code, without syntax errors (at least with Excel 2k13). IMO xlFilterValues + Criteria1 Array is the best option

    Nice blog. Keep going, I use to get here almost everytime I wonder how to do on VBA...

    Sub AutoFilter_WithMultiple_Criteria()
    Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim intField As Integer

    On Error GoTo Err_Filter
    Set oWS = ActiveSheet

    intField = 2
    oWS.UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=intField, Criteria1:=Array("Apple", "Orange", "Grape"), _
    Operator:=XlAutoFilterOperator.xlFilterValues '.xlAnd '.xlOr

    If Not oWS Is Nothing Then _
    Set oWS = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0

    If Err <> 0 Then
    MsgBox (Err.Description)
    Err.Clear '()
    GoTo Finally
    End If

    End Sub

    1. Still does not work keeps on returning the last value of the array example: always and only "Grape"

    2. I'm having the same problem
