Tuesday, August 12, 2008

AutoFilter using Excel VBA

AutoFilter using Excel VBA

Filters are one of the most used Excel utilities. Here is a simple way to create a filter through code

Sub Simple_AutoFilter()

Dim oWS As Worksheet

On Error GoTo Err_Filter

oWS = ActiveSheet

oWS.UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Apple"


If Not oWS Is Nothing Then oWS = Nothing


If Err <> 0 Then



GoTo Finally

End If

End Sub

Range Before Filtering
Range after Filter

See also:

Create AutoFilter with Multiple Criteria using Excel VBA

AutoFilter using Excel VBA

Check for existence of Filter using Excel VBA

Excel Filter Show All using VBA

Retrieve / Get First Row of Excel AutoFilter using VBA


  1. Good post, but how do you add VB code against a calculated field and have that field returned back into the filter and have the logic not see it as a text string.

    I am using this exact string, but trying to filter the date based on today's date plus seven days.

  2. Can you try

    dateadd("d", 7, date)

  3. Shasur,

    How do I feed autofilter an array of criteria. in your example you only use 2 criteria and I need to use more mucht more.

    what I have now is ..

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

    If IsNumeric(ws.Name) Then

    Set CurrentFilterRange = ws.UsedRange
    'ws.AutoFilterMode = False

    For i = 0 To UBound(FilterList())
    CurrentFilterRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=FilterList(i)
    Next i

    End If

    Next ws

  4. Shasur,

    How do I use an array of criteria using autofilter.

    recording a macro tells me the following :
    ActiveSheet.UsedRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("Criteria1", "Criteria2", "Criteria3"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

    What I want is to replace the Criteria1:= array with my own array
    so What I have made is this but only the last entry will be visible (obviously) how can I feed the array into the autofilter ?

    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets

    If IsNumeric(ws.Name) Then

    Set CurrentFilterRange = ws.UsedRange
    'ws.AutoFilterMode = False

    For i = 0 To UBound(FilterList())
    CurrentFilterRange.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=FilterList(i)
    Next i

    End If

    Next ws

    many thanks

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Excel 2007
    My CustomerName has business rules for the sort order.
    For Access queries, forms, listboxes, I created a nice custom vba Function that works great.

    In Excel 2007, I use copyfromrecordset. So the customer name custom order is right the first time.

    Once users sort by column 2, 3 then want to re-sort CustomerName again.

    CustomerName sorted by A-Z is not correct.

    Is there a way to add my custom function to Excel (in the modules) and have it show up in the AutoFilter list choice?

  6. Mathew7:04 PM

    Not sure if you can add a custom function in AutFilter, but you can add the function to a Menu that will sort. Or you can call a subroutine when the text is filtered

  7. How do you keep the summation of Total Price after filtering?

    1. Collin,
      Did you receive a response to this question? I have the same question, but I have not found any answers.

  8. Alexander asked 'What I want is to replace the Criteria1:= array with my own array"

    here's my suggestion...and I am just now starting to work this into one of the reports I support:
    - Set up the worksheet with the filter as you believe it will be set.
    - Create the following in VBE behind that worksheet
    sub stuff()
    Dim w as worksheet
    Set w = Thisworkbook.worksheets(1)'or whatever the sheet index is
    End Sub
    - Make the execution stop at "End Sub"
    - Create a watch for "w"
    Now for the fun...Drill down "w" to "Autofilter" to "Filters"
    Once at Filters, open each of the Items (each Item is a filter/column)...and look at the entries in Criteria1 and Criteria2. Each will have either a formula for the filter, a code, or break down into an array of formulas.
    - Make your code produce a String like what you see in Criteria1/2/()...

  9. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Simple answer is to pass an array and add an Operator to the filter:
    .AutoFilter Field:=wkColumn, Criteria1:=Array( _
    param2, _
    param3, _
    param4), _

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Creating an autofilter array from a range. Example is a range from column C -> 4 rows including the current row. Goes to another sheet and uses the values from the range as the criteria.

    Dim myarray(10)
    i = ActiveCell.Row
    For j = 0 To 3
    myarray(j) = Range("C" & i + j).Value
    Next j
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$3:$AI$3567").AutoFilter Field:=9, Criteria1:=myarray, Operator:=xlFilterValues


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