Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Convert Symbols to Entities using Word VBA

Word VBA Symbols to Entities Conversion Program

Symbols when converted to Text (Save as Text) seldom retain the original shape. It has been a practice to convert these symbols to entities (mostly the symbol name prefixed with an ampersand and followed by a semi colon), for example, α † etc

The following code expects a tab separated text file with symbol’s character code and its corresponding entity representation. For example

176 & degree;

945 & alpha;

To know about the corresponding character code for a symbol, you can use Alt + Symbol Key. For example Alt + 0151 will give an emdash etc

Or you can check from Insert -- > Symbol

Word Insert Symbol Dialog

We read the text file using FileSystemObject’s OpenTextFile (Refer )

Set oFil = oFS.OpenTextFile("c:\testasc.txt")

and uses the Split Function to convert each line to an array of two elements and iterate through the document

Sub Convert_Symbols2Entities()

Dim MyString

Dim arFindReplace

Dim oFS As Object

On Error GoTo Err_Found

Selection.HomeKey wdStory, wdMove

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set oFil = oFS.OpenTextFile("c:\testasc.txt")

Do Until oFil.AtEndOfStream ' Loop until end of file.

MyString = oFil.ReadLine

' Report if the Input is not Tab Separated

If InStr(1, MyString, Chr(9)) = 0 Then

Open ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & "SymbolsError.txt" For Append As 3

Print #3, MyString & " not replaced"

Close #3

GoTo TakeNext

End If

' Split the Input to Find & Replace Text

arFindReplace = Split(MyString, Chr(9))

' Report if ASCII Value is not valid

If Val(arFindReplace(0)) = 0) Then '' Then

Open ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & "SymbolsError.txt" For Append As 3

Print #3, MyString & " ASCII Value not valid"

Close #3

GoTo TakeNext

End If


Selection.HomeKey wdStory, wdMove

With Selection.Find

.Text = ChrW(Val(arFindReplace(0)))

.Replacement.Text = arFindReplace(1)

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll




Close #1 ' Close file.

If Not oFS Is Nothing Then Set oFS = Nothing

Exit Sub


' ----------------------------

' Error Handling

' ----------------------------

If Err <> 0 Then

Debug.Assert Err.Number <> 0

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " has occurred", vbCritical, "ASCII Convert"


GoTo LastCommands

End If

The code uses ChrW function, which returns a String containing the Unicode character except on platforms where Unicode is not supported


  1. If you want to make it easy to support UniCode in Visual Basic then take a look at the UniToolbox control suite which replaces all the common VB controls with UniCode aware versions:

    If you want to make it easy to support UniCode in Visual Basic then take a look at the UniToolbox control suite which replaces all the common VB controls with UniCode aware versions:

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM


    I am following most of the threads in this blog and I find it indeed useful, but I am truely a beginner in VB. I need it for designing my ppt lessons for my students. I will be grateful if you could tell me what is wrong with this code below or refer me to whoever could help me with this. Your comments are very much appreciated.

    Private Sub strName_Click()

    End Sub

    Private Sub strFName_Change()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim strFName As String
    Dim strLName As String
    Dim strName As Label
    strFName = "John"
    strLName = "Smith"
    If (strFName = "John") Then
    strName.Caption = "John"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry")
    If (strLName = "Smith") Then
    strName.Caption = "Smith"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry")
    If (strFName = "John" & strLName = "Smith") Then
    strName.Caption = "John Smith"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry!"), vbExclamation
    End If
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub strLName_Change()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim strFName As String
    Dim strLName As String
    Dim strName As Label
    strFName = "John"
    strLName = "Smith"
    If (strFName = "John") Then
    strName.Caption = "John"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry")
    If (strLName = "Smith") Then
    strName.Caption = "Smith"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry")
    If (strFName = "John" & strLName = "Smith") Then
    strName.Caption = "John Smith"
    MsgBox ("Incorrect data entry!"), vbExclamation
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

  3. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Are you trying to validate some userform. Your code has some hardcoded stuff, should it be made dynamic


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