
Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Extract Comment information from Word VBA

How to Extract Comments Text and Related Information from Word Document using VBA

Here is a hint of accessing the comments and related information using VBA

Sub Get_Comment_Information()

Dim oComment As Comment
Dim oCommentRange As Range

For i1 = 1 To ActiveDocument.Comments.Count
    Set oComment = ActiveDocument.Comments(i1)
    Set oCommentRange = oComment.Scope.Paragraphs(1).Range
    Debug.Print "Page : " & oCommentRange.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) & vbTab _
                     & "Line : " & oCommentRange.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) & vbTab


Next i1

End Sub


  1. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I *really* need to be able to harvest comments from a number of Word documents and put them into an Access database. Unfortunately, I am not a VBA programmer. Any further code or clues you can offer would be most gratefully appreciated.

    Thank you,

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Cynthia .. You need to loop throught the folder containing the documents - Dir function should be helpful for that. Open each document using Documents.Open and then run the above code snippet

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Hi , Can Any body tell me - how to extract Word Document Comments into Excel - Word Comments into Excel using Excel VBA Macros

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