
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Save Powerpoint Slides as Images using VBA

VBA Code to Convert Ppwerpoint Slide to Image (JPEG)

Here is a simple code that will Export all slides in a powerpoint presentation to Jpeg files

Sub Save_PowerPoint_Slide_as_Images()

Dim sImagePath As String
Dim sImageName As String
Dim oSlide As Slide '* Slide Object
Dim lScaleWidth As Long '* Scale Width
Dim lScaleHeight As Long '* Scale Height

On Error GoTo Err_ImageSave

sImagePath = "C:\ForBlogger\"
For Each oSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
sImageName = oSlide.Name & ".jpg"
oSlide.Export sImagePath & sImageName, "JPG"

Next oSlide

If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

End Sub


  1. PowerPoint comes with the ability to do this. Just do Save As, and for "Save as type:" choose JPG.

  2. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Is there a way to know the names of Image files that will be stored as JPEGs/PNGs using Powerpoint Export option

  3. Nice! Is there a way to add a count down timer to a PowerPoint Presentation lets say 25min when a button is pressed. I want to use this on my presentation to time my students when answering questions. Thank you!

  4. Well that's nice, but can I save a slide as a picture and add a date in the file name ?

  5. Is there a way to get this to save and name based off of a piece of text in the slide?

    1. You can change it in the following lines of code:

      sImageName = oSlide.Name & ".jpg"
      oSlide.Export sImagePath & sImageName, "JPG"

      Instead of oSlide.Name you can either enter a predetermined name using quotations i.e "text"

      For what you want though you will need to set a variable i.e

      Dim txt_text As String

      Set txt_text = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("SlideText")

      The only issue you may have with this way of doing things is if the text box you are calling has alot of text. If its just a title it will be fine.
      Hope this helps

  6. how to run this VBA.
