Saturday, October 06, 2007

Excel VBA - FindAll Method

One out of two code module in Excel VBA will have cells.Find or Findnext method. Here is a generic function - FindAll that can be used to retrieve information of all matching cells.

Function FindAll(ByVal sText As String, ByRef oSht As Worksheet, ByRef sRange As String, ByRef arMatches() As String) As Boolean

' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' FindAll - To find all instances of the1 given string and return the row numbers.
' If there are not any matches the function will return false
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Error GoTo Err_Trap

Dim rFnd As Range ' Range Object
Dim iArr As Integer ' Counter for Array
Dim rFirstAddress ' Address of the First Find

' -----------------
' Clear the Array
' -----------------
Erase arMatches
Set rFnd = oSht.Range(sRange).Find(What:=sText, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not rFnd Is Nothing Then
rFirstAddress = rFnd.Address
Do Until rFnd Is Nothing
iArr = iArr + 1
ReDim Preserve arMatches(iArr)
arMatches(iArr) = rFnd.Address ' rFnd.Row ' Store the Row where the text is found
Set rFnd = oSht.Range(sRange).FindNext(rFnd)
If rFnd.Address = rFirstAddress Then Exit Do ' Do not allow wrapped search
FindAll = True
' ----------------------
' No Value is Found
' ----------------------
FindAll = False
End If

' -----------------------
' Error Handling
' -----------------------
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "Find All"
FindAll = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function

The functions accepts three input parameters - Text To be searched, Worksheet, Search Range and one output Array parameter

The function searches the occurrence of that particular text in the specified range of the Excel Sheet and returns address(es) of all occurrences. The Search is by default part of Excel Cells and not whole cell

Here is a way to implement the function:

Case I : Get Addresses of all matching cells

Sub Drive_The_FindAll_Function()

' Sample Sub to Drive the Function

Dim arTemp() As String 'Temp Array
Dim bFound As Boolean 'Flag
Dim i1 As Integer 'Array Counter

bFound = FindAll("SampleText", ActiveSheet, "B1:C41", arTemp())

If bFound = True Then
For i1 = 1 To UBound(arTemp)
' The Address Can be used for extracting data
MsgBox arTemp(i1)
Next i1
MsgBox "Search Text Not Found"
End If

End Sub

Case II : Modify Data according to Find

In the example shown below, FindAll function is used to search 'SampleText' in column C and if the text is found a Flag 'X' is set against column D

Sub Fill_Based_on_FindAll()

' For All Matching Values in Second Column
' Add 'X' to Column D

Dim arTemp() As String 'Temp Array
Dim bFound As Boolean 'Flag
Dim i1 As Integer 'Array Counter

bFound = FindAll("SampleText", ActiveSheet, "C:C", arTemp())

If bFound = True Then
For i1 = 1 To UBound(arTemp)
' The Row Number Can be used for extracting data
ActiveSheet.Range(arTemp(i1)).Offset(0, 1).Value = "X"
Next i1
MsgBox "Search Text Not Found"
End If

End Sub

Case III : Get the Number of Occurrences

A simple one though; number of occurrences of the text in particular range

Sub Instances_Based_on_FindAll()

' Get the Number of Instances

Dim arTemp() As String 'Temp Array
Dim bFound As Boolean 'Flag
Dim i1 As Integer 'Array Counter

bFound = FindAll("SampleText", ActiveSheet, "C:C", arTemp())

If bFound = True Then
MsgBox "No of instances : " & UBound(arTemp)
MsgBox "Search Text Not Found"
End If

End Sub

Disabling Macros in a Workbook (Excel VBA)

Many workbooks will have macros embedded with it. When you open the Workbook in Excel, you would have noticed the Dialog with options Enable Macros / Disable Macros

The following code snippet (Excel 2003) uses Application.FileDialog method to open a Workbook and disables the macros in it:

Sub Open_File_With_Macros_Disabled()

Dim i1 As Integer
Dim secAutomation As MsoAutomationSecurity

secAutomation = Application.AutomationSecurity

Application.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
For i1 = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
MsgBox .SelectedItems(i1)
Workbooks.Open .SelectedItems(i1)

Next i1
End With

Application.AutomationSecurity = secAutomation

End Sub

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Automate Lotus Notes eMail using Visual Basic

How to send Lotus Notes mail messages with Microsoft Visual Basic

The following Visual Basic code will send a Notes e-mail message. The code includes examples of code to include an attachment and to save the sent message, which are both optional and can be removed if desired.

Dim Maildb As Object
Dim MailDoc As Object
Dim Body As Object
Dim Session As Object
'Start a session to notes
Set Session = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
'This line prompts for password of current ID noted in Notes.INI
Call Session.Initialize
'or use below to supply password of the current ID
'Call Session.Initialize("")
'Open the mail database in notes
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", "c:\notes\data\mail\mymail.nsf")
If Not Maildb.IsOpen = True Then
Call Maildb.Open
End If
'Create the mail document
Call MailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Memo")
'Set the recipient
Call MailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("SendTo", "John Doe")
'Set subject
Call MailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("Subject", "Subject Text")
'Create and set the Body content
Call Body.APPENDTEXT("Body text here")
'Example to create an attachment (optional)
Call Body.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", "C:\filename", "Attachment")
'Example to save the message (optional)
'Send the document
'Gets the mail to appear in the Sent items folder
Call MailDoc.ReplaceItemValue("PostedDate", Now())
Call MailDoc.SEND(False)
'Clean Up
Set Maildb = Nothing
Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set Body = Nothing
Set Session = Nothing

Note: The Visual Basic programmer needs to set the Reference to use Lotus Domino objects prior to implementing this function. To enable the Lotus Notes classes to appear in the Visual Basic browser, you must execute the following within VB: Select Tools, References and select the checkbox for 'Lotus Notes Automation Classes'.

The above code is from the IBM support.
GETDATABASE given here is pointing to the sample MailDB; you need to change that to your DB.

You can do that by

UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
'Open the mail database in notes
Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)

To send it through Microsoft Outlook refer

Automate Email, VBA Email, Send Email from Excel, VBA Mail automation, Mail Automation, Lotus Notes VBA, Automate Lotus Notes, Send Mail from Lotus Notes, Link Excel with Lotus Notes,Microsoft Lotus Notes Mail Automation, Excel VBA Mail, MAPI, Send Multiple eMails
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